July 30, 2024

πŸ“† 30th July 2024

πŸŽ‰Β What's New:

  • We have added a new 'Issue Closure' approval workflow

  • Approval workflows now support approver comments within the approval workflow

  • The approval history of an item can now be accessed through the requests register

  • We now support admin override for approvals which allows admins skip an approval level or the entire approval workflow with rationale

  • For organisations with SCIM enabled, admins are now able to change the assigned user role within the platform via the settings screen

  • We have added support for dashboard sharing, allowing users to share dashboard with specific users or group. note that the data will still be restricted based on platform permissions.

  • We have added a new multi-select custom field type


  • Register filters were lost when accessing an item. Filters and sort position will now be retained on save or cancel.

  • We have enhanced the UI around document previews to allow the display of document details alongside the document preview

  • Added support to toggle 'recent users' as an option within the user selection preferences

  • We have added the document title within the change request notification to allow easier access to the pending approvals

  • We have removed the delete buttons from several tabs to reduce the instances of accidental deletions. The delete button will be retained on the 'details' tab in these cases.

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July 8, 2024

πŸ“† 9th July 2024

πŸŽ‰Β What's New:

Assessment Update:

  • Findings can now be created directly from within an activity. Where an activity has associated Risks, Controls, Obligation or Documents, these can be used to quickly populate a rating form to allow for faster ratings.

  • Assessments now have an overall outcome field which allows users to provide a final grading for the assessment.

  • We have added a summary panel to the assessment details tab

Β Approvals:

New global approval workflows be configured in settings to prevent deletion or closure of actions without approval.


  • We enhanced the User field search control to allow the display and searching of additional user attributes. The first attributes supported are user email and user role.

  • Added a 'Last approved date' column to the Policy register

  • Where a linked item is presented as a 'pill', we have made this clickable to allow easier navigation between items

  • Assessment findings now have a summary count of the number of findings of that type within the findings tab

  • We have added help text to approvals screens to assist users with workflow creation

  • Appetites will now appear within a form instead of a pop-out to making navigation easier for users

🐞Bug Fixes: 

  • Corrected an error where approval group members were not receiving notifications

  • Fixed some Indexes to improve platform performance when retrieving large amounts of data

  • Corrected a bug where the rating badge occasionally displayed the most recent rating value, rather than the rating value of that row

  • improved the display of parent objects for standard users to show the user friendly ID instead of the GUID

  • Fixed a bug where the link for document approvals was showing the latest version instead of the change that required approval.

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June 25, 2024


πŸ“† 26th June 2024

πŸŽ‰Β What's New:

Assessment Update:

  • Expanded assessment ratings to support rating multiple Risk and Controls at once if required

  • Updated the Assessment PDF export to include activities and new finding types

  • PDF export now also reads from form customisation, which means that customer fields will be included in the export, while hidden fields will not be shown.

  • Risk Managers are now able to edit a rating once it has been submitted to allow for error correction without needing to delete the rating and enter

  • Added Assessment status radio buttons to the assessment forms, allowing users to manually move the assessment through the statuses

Β Approvals:

New approval workflows can now be configured on the following objects to prevent the object being deleted without an approval

  • Risks

  • Controls

  • Issues

  • Acceptances

These workflows can be configured on the object or set globally to prevent accidental or unauthorised deletion.Β 


  • Aligned issue detail and issue assessment tags so that they read from the same fieldΒ 

  • Improved the warning that is presented when deleting a control. This change is to make it clear that the control will be deleted for all platform users, instead of unlinking it.

  • Applied alphabetical ordering to core dropdown lists such as 'Risk Parent' to make navigation easier

  • Added support for risk managers to amend certain fields of a published policies. this removes the requirement for users to delete the document and republish where there is an error (if Policy Module is installed)

  • Control Test result field on a control test can now be made optional

  • Added Action description column to the actions register for visibility

  • Added a new 'Archived' status for documents, allowing users to archive a policy that it is not going to have another published version that would no longer be surfaced/visible for public users

  • We have disabled the 'click off' closure method for modals. This is in response to user feedback where accidentally clicking off the modal would lose all the work in progress. The content of the screen now needs to be saved or cancelled to be removed from the screen

  • Added a 'Last approved date' column to the Policy register

🐞Bug Fixes: 

  • Fixed a bug where standard users were unable to link to risks

  • Corrected a formatting error on the result modal that caused fields to overrun the boundaries of the form

  • fixed a bug where uploaded files were not being shown in the UI when attached to a rating

  • Corrected widget translation to ensure that custom taxonomy is being applied to issues widgets

  • Standard users are now able to create a Tier 2 risk under a Tier 1 risk that they own or contribute to

  • Standard users can now unlink items from objects they own


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June 17, 2024


πŸ“† 18th Jun 2024

πŸŽ‰Β What's New:

Assessment Update:

  • Expanded the Findings feature to allow for additional findings types to be applied from and assessment, including:

    • Issues - Issues can now be raised directly from an assessment

    • Actions - Actions can be raised and assigned to owners from within an assessment

    • Control Test Rating - New rating type to allow control ratings to be submitted directly from an assessment

  • We now support adding attachments to Assessment activities

  • We have added support for the delation of Ratings from the Rating register

  • We have improved Standard user permissions to allow the creation of an assessment against items that they own.

In-App Help

We have made some enhancements to the in-app help feature, including:

  • Custom fields can now include guidance / help text, which can be added via the description when creating the custom field. The text will then appear within the help pane in-app.

  • Where guidance / help text is added, the platform will add a clickable 'i' icon next to the field which will surface the description.

  • We have moved the page level help icon to the upper right corner of the App to improve accessibility


  • Standard users are now able to access the control test register, enabling them to view control tests related to controls they own

🐞Bug Fixes: 

  • Fixed a bug where standard users were unable to update Risk Acceptances on Risks they owned

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May 21, 2024


πŸ“† 21st May 2024

πŸŽ‰Β What's New:

Approvals update

Risk Acceptances

  • Raising a new Risk Acceptance is now supported as an approval workflow.

  • Approvals can be set per risk and globally.

Group Approvals

  • Where a User Group is the owner or contributor of a risk, that group can be added as an approver of the acceptance approval for that risk.

  • Any member of the group can accept / reject the approval workflow.

Dashboard Enhancements

  • Pie, Donut, Bar and Tile Charts from the widget library have been moved over to the Smart Widget format, allowing additional customisation options on existing widgets.

  • The Smart Widget has been enhanced to support β€˜Tile’ charts. This allows users to create single number KPI/KRIs on the dashboard.

  • Widget titles can now be customised.

  • Widget filters can now be viewed within the chart (these can be shown or hidden within the settings)

  • A β€œclear all filters” button has been added above the dashboard filters to clear all global filters.

  • Click throughs have been disabled when more than 1 department or tag is selected due to unsupported filtering logic in the registers.


  • Added an Acceptance ID to Risk acceptances.

  • Enhanced appetites to support the creation of a Risk Appetite Posture as a single value, this can be changed upon request.

🐞Bug Fixes: 

  • Fixed user view groups column in csv export

  • Risk heatmap historic number issue corrected.

  • Action description can now be made optional.

  • Fixed menu counts for controls.

  • Fixed dashboard date filter where range was less than 1 day.

  • Added the issue status option into the Smart Widget.

  • Removed time from date filter options on register.

  • Fixed the broken sort order on assessment results.

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April 18, 2024


πŸ“† 18th April 2024

πŸŽ‰ What's New:

Approvals v2.0 (Policy Only)

  • Global Approvals

    • We have added the ability to create a global approval process which applies universally to all policies

    • The global approval will begin once the policy level approval process is complete

  • Object Level Approvals

    • Policy level approvals have been moved to their own tab to facilitate more workflows being added in the future

    • The policy level processes can still be defined per policy and turned on and off

  • Approvals UI

    • We have enhanced the UI around approvals to show which elements of the policy have been changed

    • We have also added the ability to track where the approval is up to within the process

  • Request Register

    • We have added a requests register to show all active and completed approvals

    • We have added the ability to filter these by approvals that are waiting on the user

Assessment Results

  • We have decoupled the requirements for a rating to be linked to an assessment, allowing users to rate a Risk, obligation or Policy without linking it to an existing assessment

  • Ratings can still be linked to an assessment but this is optional

Causes and Consequences

  • Added 'Parent Issue' fields to causes and consequence register to allow filtering and reporting using parent issue data. fields included are:

    • Parent Issue ID

    • Parent Issue Severity

    • Parent Issue Raised Date

    • Parent Issue Closed Date

    • Parent Issue Owner

  • These columns will also be available within the smart widget to enable reporting and filtering


  • Added a linked Item ID to the Linked Item tab of objects (Linked items only)

🐞Bug Fixes:

  • Corrected the behaviour of user drop-down to display users in alphabetical order

  • Fixed the search function on Custom Date Fields

  • Export button was intermittently not working on risk details screen, this is now fixed

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March 18, 2024


πŸ“† 18th March 2024

πŸŽ‰ What's New:

Many to Many:

  • added many to many linked items to:

    • Obligations

    • Documents

    • Actions

    • Issues

    • Indicators

    • Control Groups

    • Assessments

  • Added an 'unlink' button to disconnected previously linked items

    Smart Widget:

  • Added Assessments datasource to the Smart Widget allowing graphs to be created from assessments data

  • Added Obligations datasource to the Smart Widget allowing graphs to be created from obligations data

  • Added Consequences datasource to the Smart Widget allowing graphs to be created from Consequences data

  • Added Causes datasource to the Smart Widget allowing graphs to be created from Causes data

  • Created a consequence register that shows all consequences that have been assigned to issues, allowing users to directly query and export consequence data

  • Created a cause register that shows all cause that have been assigned to issues, allowing users to directly query and export cause data

  • Added 'create table' functionality to the smart widget, allowing users to directly create tables from the smart widget

    🐞Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where customer attributes for assessments were not displaying on the assessment register

  • Corrected a bug where the control ID was not showing in the control test register

  • Issue details can now be left blank and are no longer mandatory

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March 8, 2024

πŸ“† 8th March 2024

πŸŽ‰ What's New:

  • Initial deployment of linked items tab within the Risk form

  • Ability to link a control to multiple risks from the linked items tab

  • User group setting page available, with the ability to create and delete groups, and assign existing users to the group.

🐞Bug Fixes:

  • Renamed Target value to 'expected text value' for clarity

  • Fix for bug preventing standard users from assigning groups as owners/contributors

  • Fix to allow issue details to be optional

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February 26, 2024

πŸ“† 27 February 2024

πŸŽ‰ What's New:

Updated Risk Dashboard UI:

  • We have added a search bar to the Risk Dashboard, which will allow users to search and filter the dashboard in a similar manner as the registers

  • We have added a ratings toggle to the risk dashboard that allows a user to toggle which rating is displayed. choices included:

    • Inherent rating

    • Residual rating

    • Appetite performance

    • Risk Status

  • Risk cards in the dashboard view are now 'single select'. This means that clicking on the card will expand the child risks, but a user can click on the risk title to directly open the Risk detail screen

Indicator enhancements:

  • Indicators have been enhanced to include an 'appetite' threshold, which enables a Red, Amber, Green banding on indicators

  • The indicator results tab now includes a line graph which shows the result performance

  • Indicator results now allow attachments

⬆️ Improved

  • We have added Risk Appetite columns to the Risk Register

🐞Bug Fixes:

  • Assessment Fixes:

    • Fixed a taxonomy bug on inherent / residual ratings

    • Updated 'Control Type' label to 'Result Type'

    • Changed 'test date' to 'result date'

  • Indicator results with a 0 value no longer shows a '-'

  • Added 'Control Design' and 'Control Effectiveness' columns to the control register

  • The date columns format when exporting data it now recognised as a date in Excel

  • Export on assessments are now available for all users

  • The decimal places of costs on the issue register has been reduced form 13 to 2

  • Updated the smart widget to include custom fields from the Issue Assessment tab

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February 13, 2024

πŸ“† 13 February 2024

πŸŽ‰ What's New:

  • Assessments 2.1

    • Following the recent changes to assessments, we have made further enhancements to improve the user journey

    • Users are now able to add a ratings and assessments from within an objects assessment tab

    • The assessment table inside the object now shows all historic ratings from any source

    • The most recent assessment ratings are available within the object details screen

  • Smart Widget

    • A new widget that can be configured when it is added to the dashboard

    • Configureable elements are:

      • Data source (Risks, Controls, Issues, Actions, Documents)

      • Filters

      • Chart type (Bar, Donut, Stacked Bar. Pie)

    • The data can then be cut by a second category (date, status etc)

  • Text widget

    • A free text widget that can be used to add notes, commentary or supporting information to the dashboard

⬆️ Improved

  • Added "Requested by" and "Approved by" columns to the Risk Acceptance Register

  • Added the contributor field to all relevant registers

  • Added notification preferences for Risk and Controls, including; New and Updated

🐞Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where custom taxonomy was not showing correctly in assessments

  • Assessment results now show on register without requiring a refresh

  • Corrected a permission denied error when rating risks

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January 29, 2024

πŸ“† 29 January 2024

πŸŽ‰ What's New:

  • Assessments feature:

    • Risk assessments, Document assessments and Obligation assessments have been consolidated into a single "Assessment' system object

    • Assessments can now be created from the Assessments area of the platform

    • Assessments can now apply multiple results to multiple Risks, Obligations and Documents in one submission

  • Increased file attachment upload limit to 1gb

  • Added a "view latest" link for published policy documents (policy only)

🐞Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where Risk owners were unable to create risks connected to risks they own

  • Fixed an issue where custom issue types were not saving

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January 9, 2024

πŸ“† 12 January 2024

πŸŽ‰ What's New:

  • Added linkable URLs to PDF documents to enable document sharing

  • Added Object level export to Risks, Controls, Issues, Actions, Obligations and Documents

  • Added a 'Review Due' status to policy documents showing when a document is nearing its review date

  • Added support for a new Widget type - Table

  • Added Issues Register Widget to Dashboard

  • Added a new 'Type' field for consequences within an issue

  • Added summary ribbon for issue costs within the consequence tab

  • Added a summary totals line at the bottom of the issues register


  • Improved main dashboard styling updates

🐞Bug Fixes:

  • Changed the Audit logging feature to stop logging every change to form layout

  • Fixed the Count of policies to include pending review

  • ID sorting on Policies now sorts ascending or descending by value

  • Fixed a bug where indicators wouldn't accept a decimal result that started with '0.0...'

  • Fixed a bug where custom field data sometimes didn't display

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December 4, 2023

πŸ“† 4 December 2023

🎁 What's New:

  • Dashboards V3 is here with a handful of new features, including:

    • 4 new widgets

    • Department Filtering

    • Tag Filtering

    • Date Range Filtering

    • Save and load customer dashboard

    • Publish and share dashboards

    • Export to PDF

  • 4 New widgets

    • Actions by priority

    • Issue causes

    • Issues by type

    • Issue raised by month

  • Control Groups now supports controls being added to multiple groups

  • Sequential IDs now available for controls

  • Policy Module V1, including

    • Ability to add, edit, and remove company wide policies

    • Version management

    • Ability to link issues and actions to documents

    • Version approval workflows with notification support

    • Version approval history

    • Published version register for public users

  • Enabled users to reorder form fields on all forms

🐞Bug Fixes:

  • fixed an issue on Windows devices where horizontal scroll bars would appear on smaller screens

  • Changes the support link behaviour to open links in a new tab, instead of navigating away from the app

  • Duplicate values no longer supported in custom dropdown fields

  • Adding an Indicator result no longer errors when changing the indicator type

  • Fixed an issue with policy ribbon where all policies were showing as overdue


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November 9, 2023

πŸ“† 10 November 2023

πŸŽ‰ What's New:

  • We have added the 'Contributor' field allowing for the identification of users that can contribute to an item. The field is now available on:

    • Risks

    • Controls

    • Obligations

    • Issues

    • Actions

    • Indicators

  • Added a 'Risk Status' field

  • Added a 'Risk Treatment' field


  • Enhanced taxonomy feature to allow dynamic changes to taxonomy without the need for a release

πŸ›Bug Fixes

  • Fixed formatting of tags when more than 4 were added to the same item

  • Fixed a bug where risk score calculations were not allowing an override amount to be selected

  • Control groups will now be available to select immediately after adding a new group

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October 31, 2023

πŸ“† 31 October 2023 πŸŽƒπŸ§›β€β™€οΈπŸ¦‡πŸ‘»

πŸŽ‰ What's New:

  • Attributes V1 allowing the creation of customer fields on all forms. types include: πŸŽƒ

    • add custom text fieldπŸ§›β€β™€οΈ

    • add custom date fieldπŸ§›β€β™€οΈ

    • add custom text area fieldπŸ§›β€β™€οΈ

    • add custom dropdown fieldπŸ§›β€β™€οΈ

  • AI (beta) available on text area fields πŸŽƒ

  • Policy Module V1 (Alpha)πŸŽƒ


  • More UI Improvements ✨✨

    • 'Collapsed' state navigationπŸ¦‡

    • Improved tag stylingπŸ¦‡

    • Improved form stylingπŸ¦‡

    • Added reactive font colouring on badges to ensure colour contrast is maintained when using custom coloursπŸ¦‡

πŸ›Bug Fixes

  • Fixed breadcrumb errors in compliance Obligations formπŸ‘»

  • Fixed breadcrumb errors in compliance Risk Details pageπŸ‘»

  • Corrected some taxonomy misalignment within Compliance moduleπŸ‘»

  • Updated the notifications banner to take taxonomy into account within uncontrolled risk pageπŸ‘»

  • Fixed a bug that affected swatch competent on ratings fieldsπŸ‘»

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